Notary Public Swindon

notary public Swindon

I am a Notary Public offering Notarisation to clients in Swindon and the surrounding areas of Wiltshire and Oxfordshire.

I will visit you at your home or office or other convenient place to carry out the requiredswindon notary public Notarisation. I do not make an additional charge for this within a 20 mile radius of my offices.

I also offer flexible appointments including evenings and weekends at no extra cost.

Below is information covering some frequently asked questions about Notaries. Please click on a link below to see the answer.

What does a Notary Public do?

A Notary Public is an officer of the law a status recognised internationally

It is the oldest branch of the legal profession dating back to Roman times. Notaries are appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury and are subject to regulation by the Court of Faculties. A professional Notary must be fully insured and maintain fidelity cover for the protection of clients and the public.

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Why do I need the services of a Notary Public?

The services of a Notary Public are required because many countries see the Notary as being at the pinnacle of the independent legal professions.

Any document required for use oversees but signed for in this country normally needs to be done in the presence of a Notary Public. A Notary Public will also sign and validate the documents and finally it will be sealed with a unique stamp.

Should the document need to be validated by the Foreign Office or Foreign Consulate I will ensure this process is completed.

For most overseas documents it is not sufficient for a solicitor to authenticate the information.

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How much does it cost to get my documents Notarised?

Fees are based on the time spent and the complexity involved in a particular matter.

Time will be required not only notarising the documents but may also include preliminary advice, research required to authenticate documents, contact with the Foreign Office and record keeping.

The fee is normally payable at the appointment and I accept cash or cheque.

The practice is not VAT registered, therefore VAT will not be added to your bill.

For a quotation please contact me.

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Notary Services offered

As well as covering Swindon and Wiltshire, I offer Corporate services to clients in the Thames Valley, Oxon, Cotswolds and along the M4 corridor from Reading to Bristol and Avonmouth docks.

I provide the following services:

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Examples of when you may require a Notary?

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What do I need to bring to a meeting with a Notary Public?

Please bring with you:

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For clients ourside the area you may wish to try the services of Notaries in Leeds , in Birmingham West Midlands notary London Islington Notary London EC1 or in Lincoln Notary Public Windsor as well as Notary Public Slough including Lincoln Leicester Steven McCallister Sheffield Notary Public in the City of London and Photo Booth Hire Sheffield or Notarisation in Enfield and South London and Notary Public Evenings as well as Notary Public Solihull , Notary Public Walsall as well as Notary Public Dudley and Notary in Borehamwood, North London